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  Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Sheffield

  What is Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy Sheffield Service?

I fully understand how damaging smoking can be to an indiviuals health, and understand how most smokers would like to give up but are frigthened or worried at how difficult it can be, especially when based on past failure experiences.


I will tailor a unique combinitaion of motivational hypnotherapy and Nero-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to suit your individual needs. Hypnotherapy has shown to be a very effective startergy for stopping smoking. 

Stop Smoking in Just One Session with Hypnotherapy

If you are determined and willing to give it your best effort, I will do the same, and you will have a very high chance of stopping smoking in just one two hour session, becoming a non-smoker. You will come to the session as a smoker and leave as a non-smoker.


Together, we will discover when and why you smoke and what you percive to be the benefits of smoking for you. We will also explore your motivations for stopping smoking and strengthen theses during the treatment. This will help us to design a special personailsed protocol that will help you to break your smoking habit,


During the hypnotherpy session, I will help you to break your subconsious mechanisums, emotional stress, bordem, when drinking or after a meal, which maintain your smoking habit. I will help you to feel good about saying 'NO' to cigareets or tobacoo and smoking. 

Will I gain Weight?

Some people who use will power alone and/or other methods such as  patches or  gum do end up putting weight on. This is because they fail to understand the nature of engrained habits and how the brian will seek alternative methods to fill the void left by the habit that has been stopped. 


The brian will activley seek other quick fixes that tap into the same 'reward network' that was active during smoking. I am well aware that most people will replace one habit with another and, as such, I will safe guard you from developing any other unhelpful habits


During the session, I will help you to transfer the satisfaction you received from smoking to something that is better and healthier for you, a possible goal you have identified. I will also provide you with powerful suggestions in hypnosis that there will be no increase in your appitiate on becoming a non-smoker.

"I had already stopped smoking by replacing cigarettes with nicotine gum. However, I was then stuck with another habit to nicotine gum and wanted to be free from it altogether. After the session I had no interest in nicotine gum at all, it was amazing. I recommend neil to anyone who wants to stop smoking or gewing nicotine gum" - Freedy R

What happens when you quit?

The sooner you quit, the sooner you'll notice changes to your body and health. Heres what happens when you quit for good.

20mins SS

After 20 minutes
Check your pulse rate, it will already be starting to return to normal.


After 48 Hours
All carbon monoxide is flushed out. Your lungs are clearing out mucus and your senses of taste and smell are improving.


After 2-12 Weeks
Blood will be pumping through to your heart and muscles much better because your circulation will have improved.

1 and 10 year ss

After 1 year
Great news! Your risk of heart attack will have halved compared with a smoker's.


After 8 Hours
Your oxygen levels are recovering, and the harmful carbon monoxide level in your blood will have reduced by half.


After 72 Hours
If you notice that breathing feels easier, it's because your bronchial tubes have started to relax. Also your energy will be increasing.


After 3-9 Months
Any coughs, wheezing or breathing problems will be improving as your lung function increases by up to 10%.

1 and 10 year ss

After 10 years
More great news! Your risk of death from lung cancer will have halved compared with a smoker's.

​ ''I had a stop smoking session with Neil and it has worked wonders. I wish I had done it years ago and I  felt safe and supported. I recommed Neil to anyone who wants to stop smoking and improve thier health​.

Do it now, don't wait" - Paula S​

In-Person or Online Stop smoking Hypnotherapy in Sheffield 

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

I offer in-person stop smoking hypnotherapy servies so we are able to come together in a safe and comfertable place to resolve that bad habit.

Stop SmokingHypnotherapy

Whether you are more comfertable at home, live further away, or live outside the UK, I continue to serve clients globally via Zoom online.



Neil Dolan MSc

BSc MSc/Res Clinpsy MBPsS

Integrative Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness Meditation Teacher, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner and Coach.

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