Anxiety Hypnotherapy Sheffield
What is Anxiety Hypnotherapy Sheffield Service?
Anxiety is usually a natural response we feel when we are under threat from an immediate danger, which happens outside of conscious awareness, causing us to feel afraid or threatened.
However, we live in a highly demanding desire driven culture full of social pressures and social stressors which cause us to become hyper-vigilant to threat.
Not actual external physical threats, but rather, internal perceptual threats to our sense of self, who we are, and our ability to cope.
And the more time you spend lost in your thoughts, the more likely it is for you to question yourself, doubt yourself and believe that you can’t cope. This is where anxiety hypnotherapy comes in.
Anxiety Hypnotherapy Sheffield services helps individuals to navigate today’s fast-paced world from a place of calm and confidence, whilst maintaining clarity of mind amid the constant bombardment of social pressures and day to day life stressors.
Anxiety: A Vicious Cycle
Worries and anxiety are mainatained for several different reasons
1. The Brains Negativity Bias for Survival
The brain is hard wired for survival and is part of the 'Fight, Flight, Freeze', stress response system.
Anxiety is a function of the 'Fight or Flight' part of that response which creates a hyper alert, hyper vigilant state were we are always on the look out for danger or threats. This creates a negativity bias in our thinking which causes the brain to selectivley focus on negative information (such as worries) and ignore any of the positive information.
This in turn leads to disqualifying anything thats positives, such as ignoring evidence that refutes the worrying, and leaves us feeling overrun with negative thoughts and emotions and feeling overwhelmed ... and saying things to our self like, ... 'I just can't cope!'
2. Biased Thinking Styles
Worries and anxiety are maintained for several different reasons:
Black & White Thinking: 'It happened last time, it will happen again'.
Over Generalising: 'I got really panicky in front of them, I will panick in front of everyone'.
Jumping to Conclusions: 'If I mess up, they will think I'm a fool and laugh at me, everyone will laugh at me'.
Magnification & Catastrophising: 'If I don't pass the exam, it will ruin my life'.​
3. Use of Safety behaviours
People with untreated anxiety tend to respond to fears by:
Suppressing Them (e.g. over working).
Seeking Reassurance (persistenly).
Avoidance (avoid situation altogether).
Numbing (escapisum).
These behaviours quickly reduce anxiety, but only serve to positively reinforce the behaviours, as they do work.
However, short-term relief only leads to long-term negative consequences such as chronic worry, fear, anxiety and stress.
How does Anxiety Hypnotherapy Sheffield work?
Anxiety hypnotherapy, anxiety talking therapy or anxiety counselling are all forms of psychotherapy aimed at helping people to have a better relationship with their self.
Anxiety hypnotherapy services Sheffield involves me, an accredited psychologist and clinical hypnotherapist, talking to people about their issues and utilising hypnosis in a safe, quiet, and private environment.
When someone talks through their problems in this kind of setup, they begin to understand themselves better with the help of a trained professional.
As an anxiety therapist, I have the training and expert insight to listen with empathy and unearth your individual challenges affecting how you think and feel. With this expertise we will explore, recognise, and guide you to resolve issues or conflicts affecting the way you think and feel.
Anxiety hypnotherapy Sheffield services goes deep and explores various aspects of your life when providing objective guidance towards self understanding and personal growth.
With enhanced calm and emotional intelligence, healing begins. And you can often make changes that improve your daily life and improve your romantic relationships.
"Since starting session with him, I can now go out and enjoy social activities without experiencing panic attacks, something I never thought would be possible just a couple of months ago. I can't thank him enough. If anyone is experiencing the same as I did, Neil is the person to go to"! - Olivia T.
Reduce Anxiety with Hypnotherapy in Sheffiled
If you suffer from anxiety, then its time to change. I can help you through a tailored combination of Hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) which is an effective form of treatment for anxiety.
When you suffer from anxiety, it feels like things are way out of control and only going to get worse. That is what anxiety does to your thinking. You get lost in the world of ‘What ifs'.
‘What if this happens?’…. What if that happens?’….’What if….What if…But what if….!!’ It makes you think in absolutes, all-or-nothing terms, black or white thinking, it’s either a complete success or a complete failure, and stops you seeing the subtle shades of greys in between.
It drains the pleasure from all those things you used to enjoy, making the world seem a scary place. In short, anxiety hijacks your thinking and feeds off all your energy.
But when you know how anxiety works; what starts and maintains it, then you start to gain control over it, instead of it controlling you, and optimism emerges once more.
The very first thing we will do in our first session together is to ensure you understand why you are feeling this way. It has a lot to do with the nervous system and overthinking, which leads to overwhelm, confusion and exhaustion.
Then I will work speedily to help you feel calm by using deep relaxation techniques with you. This works to settle down that overactive nervous system, and slow down any racing thoughts, so that your brain is prepared to learn, ready to soak up new ways of being. Because as you’ve probably noticed, its difficult to focus, pay attention and remember information when your anxious.
When you leave my clinic after the first session, I would expect you to feel better, way more relaxed, than you have in a long, long time. However, anxieties don’t simply shift overnight. During the following sessions, we’ll work together to:
reduce the amount of worrying and catastrophising you are doing
resolve any negative thought patterns that are causing you distress
work on any relationships, or work difficulties you may be experiencing
reduce any stressors that may be causing you overwhelm and burnout
as you feel better, we will upskill you with multiple stress management techniques that will enable you to self-regulate your nervous system effectively, promoting healthy thought patterns
Anxiety, if left untreated can become quite debilitating, affecting work performance and personal relationships. However, with the right specialist support anxiety can become manageable, enabling you to live a more peaceful and relaxed lifestyle.
"Neil has really helped me to help myself at a time when anxiety, mergining into depression, was getting the better of me. I now have a range of tools that have definitely turned things round for me. by using meditation, breathing and relaxtion techniques. I feel like my old self again.
I can genuinely say that the course of therapy I have undertaken has been weel worth it and i am so much happier - Marrion W.